Page name: The Noc Wolf [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-11-30 18:07:36
Last author: Wolf56
Owner: Wolf56
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The Noc Wolf


[Sita: ]
[Tsarr: ]


[Lera: ]



[Putnar: ]



The Noc Wolf is a wolf pack that lives in the norhtern lands of north america and southern canada. The wolfs live in a vast area of land that have not been touched by human hands in over three centuries. Thanks to the wolfs that live in these parts. Not very many creatures know of this place accept the ones that live in it. The land is full of wildlife that is equaly balance thanks to the predator's that live the parts. Althought there is still a wonderful amount of wildlife to keep up with the amount of loses.
     The land that the wolfs run on is in a set of mountians. There are a few rivers that run down the sides of the mountians. There is a large forest area that covers a vast part of the mountian sides and the floor of the land. Within the forest is a vast amount of creatures of all sizes and shapes.

The Drappa and Dragga are the Alpha's, the leaders of the Pack.
The Sita and Tsarr are the seconds, stepping in for the Alpha's when need be.
The Slavka and Kosov are the thirds of the pack, higher up on the "chain".
The Lera and Varg are challengers to the Alpha's, looking for a time to take over.
The Balkar is the protector of the pack, a peacemaker.
The Tsinga is the wisewoman/man, usually older, not necessarily a wolf.
The Putnar is the Protector of the Alpha's, the Enforcer of sorts.
The Sikla is the omega, the lowest in the pack, normally because they're submissive.
The Kerl is a rouge wolf, may come around the pack now and then or not yet accepted in.

Noc Wolf: Wolven Behavior

Wolves of Noc: Not Yet With A Position


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2009-12-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor yawned as she layed next to Angelus.

2009-12-03 [WASHACKED]: Angelus sleept by her

2009-12-03 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda turned around and ran towards the den

2009-12-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor went back to sleep.

2009-12-03 [*Sony*]: Sapphira lay in only a half sleep at the den, memories of the destruction of her previous pack plauging her dreams.

2009-12-03 [WASHACKED]: Angelus nuzzled his muzzled under Halinor's paw

2009-12-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor nuzzled him.

2009-12-03 [WASHACKED]: Nagelus nuzzled her back

2009-12-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor smiled in her sleep.

2009-12-03 [WASHACKED]: Angelus yawned waking up

2009-12-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor still asleep.

2009-12-03 [Fallen Lil Girl]: keeda ran into the den ~The food is there~ Keeda said hinting the bear carcus~Eat all you can I'm going somewhere~

2009-12-03 [*Sony*]: ~When will you be back?~ Sapphira questioned as she opened her haunted eyes to look at Keeda.

2009-12-03 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda Growled ~Whats it to do with you pup?~

2009-12-03 [*Sony*]: Sapphira chuckled softly. ~First, I'm a year older than you. Second, so I can answer when your mate returns.~

2009-12-03 [WASHACKED]: Angelus opened his eyes and looked at them with a frown

2009-12-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor woke up and looked at them.

2009-12-04 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda shuddered ~I'm sorry Angelus~

2009-12-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor looks at Keeda with a raised eyebrow

2009-12-04 [Fallen Lil Girl]: ~He was upset about my anger so I appolgized for it~

2009-12-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor nodded.

2009-12-04 [Fallen Lil Girl]: ~Now all of you eat I'm leaveing now~

2009-12-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor,~Where you going? Are you coming back?~

2009-12-04 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda Smiled to her self and headed out of the den

2009-12-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor watched her leave with worry in her eyes.

2009-12-04 [Fallen Lil Girl]: ~Hal Keep the worry in your own head please~

2009-12-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor sighed,~OKay.~

2009-12-04 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda turned and walked over to Halinor~Yes I will be back No I'm not running away and yes the bear is for you all~ Keeda smiled and licked Halinors head

2009-12-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor smiled,~Thanks Keeda.~

2009-12-04 [Fallen Lil Girl]: ~Happy now~

2009-12-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor nodded and smiled,~Yep.~

2009-12-04 [Fallen Lil Girl]: ~Good, now eat all of you~ Keeda walks out of the den

2009-12-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor nodded and she got up and went to the bear and started to eat.

2009-12-04 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda sprinted and pounced on to a young fawn

2009-12-04 [*Sony*]: Sapphira walked out of the den and began to eat with Halinor.

2009-12-04 [Wolf56]: Kron ran through the bushes looking for prey. As kron was running he smelt a small doe near by and stalked toward it. Kron hide behind a bush waiting for the doe to turn its back to him.

2009-12-04 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda dragged the fawn to the den on the wolf with no name and left it there

2009-12-04 [Wolf56]: Kron waited patenily for the doe to turn around. And then the doe turned. Now was his chance to take the kill shot. But as kron was about to take hie leap out into the clearing he heard a branch snap. Kron turned around quickly growling deep in his throat at the animal that stopped him from killing the doe. But what kron saw was not what he was thinking that he would find. Instead he found himself facing a human on his land. Kron quickly toke up a fighting stance and showed his teeth to the human and raised his hackles showing that he was the more dangerous of the two here. Kron watched for the humans reaction and was surprised when the human did nothing. The human stood there wathing kron for some reason. But kron was taking any chances with this human. So kron slowly backed deeper into the woods all the while watching the human for any kind of reaction. all the human did was stare at Kron like he had never seen a wolf before.

2009-12-04 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda sprinted into the clearing after hearing Krons growl

2009-12-04 [Wolf56]: Kron could hear Keeda running toward him and growled a warning for her not to come any closer toward him. Kron watched the human as he melted into the shadows of the forest and toke off in the opposite direction of the human.

2009-12-04 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda ran stright into the clearing and saw a strange creature

2009-12-05 [Wolf56]: Kron heard Keeda run into the clearing and charged forward to put himself in front of Keeda. And keep a distance from the human in front of him. Kron had, had several run in's with human's before and all of them ended up with Kron fighting them off to save his life.

2009-12-05 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda closed her eyes and said~It's ok Kron it has no intenchon on hurting us~

2009-12-07 [Wolf56]: Kron did not turn around this time to speak to Keeda but simply said ~ Are you sure about that Keeda? Human's minds do not work like are's do. They are creature's who only help themselves. ~

2009-12-07 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda moved around Kron and walked to the human slowly ~Yes Kron I'm sure~

2009-12-07 [Wolf56]: Kron walked beside Keeda keeping his eyes on the human in front of him. Showing that he could easily take the human down if he wanted to.

2009-12-07 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda walked to the human and pressed her nose against it's leg

2009-12-07 [Wolf56]: Kron stayed close but did not touch the human for fear that it might just attack you on them at any given moment.

2009-12-07 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda took in it's sent

2009-12-07 [Wolf56]: Kron stode by waiting to get far away from this human. Not liking how things where turning out.

2009-12-07 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda felt Krons upset and ran into the woods away from the human

2009-12-07 [Wolf56]: Kron followed quickly feeling better after getiing away from the human. Kron quickly got ahead of Keeda and ran back to the den.

2009-12-07 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda slowered her pace and headed back to then den

2009-12-07 [Wolf56]: Kron blasted through the bushes start to the den. Kron skidded to a halt. Kron waited patenily for Keeda to come back to the den.

2009-12-08 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda turned and looked back towards the human

2009-12-08 [Wolf56]: Kron waited for Keeda to return and when she didn't kron toke off to find her. Kron found her quickly and stepped into her view of the human and pushed her on away from the human.

2009-12-08 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda obayed Krons instrucktions and walked towards the den

2009-12-08 [Wolf56]: Kron followed quielty beside Keeda looking over his shoulder every few seconds to make sure that the human wasn't following them.

2009-12-08 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda walked to the dens entrance and sat outside it

2009-12-08 [Wolf56]: Kron quietly walked past the den up to his cliff to think for some time. Kron looked over his shoulder and siad to Keeda ~ Don't you follow me. I need some time to think on my own this time. ~

2009-12-08 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda heard these cold words and dashed into the den

2009-12-08 [Wolf56]: Kron didn't like being hateful to Keeda but he needed some time to think on his own.Kron was an old wolf by many wolf standard's and he know when he had to put down his rule. The only problem was that the one wolf he didn't want to be mean to was the one he had to be mean at for the moment.

2009-12-08 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda went and sat in the den confused and hurt

2009-12-08 [Wolf56]: Kron contiuned to his favorite spot and sat there for a few hours thinking things through. Not knowing what to do or how to do things anymore.

2009-12-08 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda stood up and left the den

2009-12-08 [Wolf56]: From his spot Kron could see Keeda walk out of the den. Kron jumped over the side of the cliff. And slidded down the hill and ran to where Keeda was at.

2009-12-08 [Fallen Lil Girl]: ~I thought you wished to be alone~

2009-12-08 [Wolf56]: Kron looked at Keeda with sadden eyes and said ~ Keeda I have had long enough to think about many things and everything keeps coming back to you. I can't under stand why it does that but it does. And I've found that if I treat you like I did a while ago. Then you may desicde to leave and I can't have that. ~

2009-12-08 [Fallen Lil Girl]: ~I was going to hunt you stil havnt eaten yet so I was going to get you somthing~

2009-12-09 [Wolf56]: Kron looked at Keeda and said ~ Keeda there isn't a need for you to go and hunt for me. There is still some meat left from the bear. I can have some of it for the time being. I may be bigger then you but that doesn't mean that I need to eat as much as yourself. ~

2009-12-09 [Fallen Lil Girl]: ~I havnt eaten and I really dont need to~

2009-12-09 [Wolf56]: Kron looked at Keeda quickly and said ~ I will go and find some food quickly. You should go lay down and rest some. You haven't sleep much since you've been here. ~

2009-12-09 [Fallen Lil Girl]: ~Im used to it dont worry because of me~

2009-12-09 [Wolf56]: Kron stepped in front of Keeda and said gently ~ Keeda you need to sleep. Just go and rest up for a bit. I'll be back before you know it. ~ And with that Kron left to find some food.

2009-12-09 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda walked away and layed by the river and hid with in the bushes

2009-12-09 [Wolf56]: Kron quickly followed a rabbit sent to a burrow and toke two fo rabbits before they could go deeper into the burrow. Kron then picked them up and followed Keeda's sweet sent and found hidden behind some bushes. Kron dropped the rabbits in front of Keeda and laied down beside her nuzzling his fur coat into her's.

2009-12-09 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda staired into the river

2009-12-09 [Wolf56]: Kron looked at Keeda with worry in his eyes and said ~ Keeda are you upset with me? ~

2009-12-09 [Fallen Lil Girl]: ~No I am not I'm just upst ith myself or more what I'vee become~

2009-12-09 [Wolf56]: kron looked at Keeda nad said ~ And what have you become other then the only thing that matters to me. ~

2009-12-09 [Fallen Lil Girl]: ~A monstor I'm not real~

2009-12-09 [Wolf56]: Kron moves closer to Keeda and said with warm voice ~ You are not a monster Keeda. You just have problems like most wolves. You just have to learn to deal with them and solve any that you can. ~

2009-12-09 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda sighed

2009-12-09 [Wolf56]: kron contiuned to look at Keeda with worry and said ~ Keeda do you have any plans for running away again? ~

2009-12-09 [Fallen Lil Girl]: ~My mind is my own~

2009-12-09 [Wolf56]: Kron looks at Keeda srenly and says ~ Keeda it's just a question. All I want is a yes ot no answer ok. ~

2009-12-09 [Fallen Lil Girl]: ~No~

2009-12-10 [Wolf56]: Kron looked Keeda knowing that she was telling the truth. And said ~ I trust you Keeda you know that. And I'll follow you anywhere. ~

2009-12-10 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor ketped eating.

2009-12-10 [*Sony*]: Sapphira stood beside Halinor as they ate.

2009-12-10 [Fallen Lil Girl]: ~yes I know~

2009-12-11 [Wolf56]: Kron smiles a wolfish grin at Keeda and chuckles deep in his throat.

2009-12-11 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda sighed

2009-12-14 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda shoved a rabit towards Kron ~eat~

2009-12-14 [Wolf56]: Kron looked at Keeda and said ~ You should sleep some Keeda. I'll keep watch for the time being. And after Angel is done feeding he can take the watch for the night. Now sleep my dear. ~

2009-12-14 [Fallen Lil Girl]: ~No. No until you do~

2009-12-14 [Wolf56]: Kron looked at Keeda and said ~ Keeda you should eat. I can go much longer without food then you. Besides I was going to eat some of the bear once you were asleep. ~

2009-12-14 [Fallen Lil Girl]: ~Fine~ Keeda rested her head on her frount paws and closed her eyes

2009-12-14 [Wolf56]: Kron wathed as Keeda tried to sleep for once since they had been in the pack.

2009-12-14 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda stayed perfeclty still

2009-12-16 [Wolf56]: Kron contiuned to stay beside Keeda and keep watch over the pack as was his job as alpha.

2009-12-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor finshed eating.

2009-12-16 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda didnt even more

2009-12-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor went for a run to the river.

2009-12-16 [Wolf56]: Kron got up slowly so as not to distribe Keeda and went to eat some of the bear for a moment. After Kron was done eating he went back to Keeda's side and layed back down. Kron watched as halinor went for a ran and said to her ~ Be b ack before to long Halinor. Ok. ~

2009-12-16 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda wakes up as Kron finishes eating

2009-12-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor nodded and then she ran away.

2009-12-16 [Wolf56]: Kron looks at Keeda and smiles a wolfish grin at her and said ~ Did you sleep well. ~

2009-12-16 [Fallen Lil Girl]: ~I didnt sleep~ Keeda chuckled

2009-12-16 [Wolf56]: Kron looked at Keeda and said ~ You need to sleep Keeda and so do I. We should go in the den and sleep some. Please Keeda? ~

2009-12-16 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda stood and did as was asked of her

2009-12-16 [Wolf56]: Kron got up and followed after Keeda into the den and sat down in the far depths of the den where it was darkest. And laied down to enjoy some much needed sleep.

2009-12-16 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda licked Krons muzzle after following him into the den

2009-12-16 [Wolf56]: Kron licks Keeda's muzzle in return. Showing his affection toward her.

2009-12-16 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda smiles and lays cuddled into Kron

2009-12-19 [Wolf56]: Kron wraps himself around Keeda to keep her warm from the cold of night.

2009-12-19 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda felt the warmth from Krons body and smiled

2009-12-19 [Wolf56]: Kron felt at home at the moment so he looked up to find Angel and told him ~ Angel keep an eye out for anything that may come this way. If anything happens wake me and Keeda right away. ~

2009-12-19 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda looked at angelus and smiled at him

2009-12-19 [Wolf56]: Kron put his head back down and curled up against Keeda keeping her warm from the cold outside.

2009-12-19 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda stayed in the warmth of Krons body and watched him

2009-12-19 [Wolf56]: Kron slowed down his breathing and tried his best to sleep for once. In a long time.

2009-12-19 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda licks Krons head with affection and tryed to sooth him to sleep

2009-12-19 [Wolf56]: Kron opens his eye to look at Keeda with his passion for her in his eye.

2009-12-19 [Fallen Lil Girl]: ~shhhh sleep Kron~ Keeda continued to lick Kron

2009-12-19 [Wolf56]: Kron clsoe's his eye and lays there quietly thinking back to his young years as a small pup and how much fun he had when he was with his mother.

2009-12-19 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda contiuned to lick Kron to make him sleep

2009-12-19 [Wolf56]: Kron falls asleep thinking of being a pup from his past memories. As Kron sleeps he thinks about how his life has changed so many times over and over again.

2009-12-19 [Fallen Lil Girl]: After seeing Kron fall asleep Keeda settaled down again and looked up to the moon

2009-12-19 [Wolf56]: Kron conutined to dream about his past lives. After going through his first couple of years of life Kron came to a part of his life that he hated far beyond any other time.

2009-12-19 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda shuddered at the hate she could feel from Kron

2009-12-19 [Wolf56]: Kron jumped awake jumping to his paws quicker then ever and looked around the den for brown wolf from his memories.

2009-12-19 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda pinned herself to the floor as Kron dug his paws into the ground

2009-12-19 [Wolf56]: Kron quickly scanned the den for the wolf and didn't find anything at all other then Keeda creouching by the den wall. Kron quickly stode upo from his fighting stance and walked over Keeda and licked her muzzle to show that he was ok and said ~ I'm sorry Keeda that I scared you like that. I haven't had that dream in years. I don't know why it suddenly came back like that. ~

2009-12-19 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda still shaking said~ I do~

2009-12-19 [Wolf56]: Kron lays down beside Keeda trying to calm her down as best as he can and said ~ I'm sorry Keeda. I didn't mean to scare you half to death. It just happened. i had no control over it. ~

2009-12-19 [Fallen Lil Girl]: ~It's fine I'll be ok~

2009-12-19 [Wolf56]: *kron looks at Keeda and says ~ Are you sure Keeda? Your shaking really bad right now. ~

2009-12-19 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda nods her head

2009-12-19 [Wolf56]: Kron lays next to Keeda felling sorry as ever that he scared her like that. Kron then made a promise to himself that he would never do that ever again.

2009-12-19 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda shivered in the cold of the night

2009-12-19 [Wolf56]: Kron curled back around Keeda trying to keep her warm from the cold.

2009-12-19 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda snuggled upto Kron

2009-12-19 [Wolf56]: Kron laies his head down on the ground tring to go bcak to sleep withut any dreams.

2009-12-19 [Tis gone but never gone]: Halinor was by the river drinking.

2009-12-19 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda closes heer eyes and falls asleep

2009-12-19 [Wolf56]: Kron layies beside Keeda hearing her breathing slow down Kron knows that she is asleep. After a minute Kron finally falls asleep peacifully without dreams or nightmares.

2009-12-19 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda begins to cry in her sleep

2009-12-19 [Wolf56]: Kron awakes to hear Keeda quietly crying in her sleep. Kron gently nugdes Keeda to wake her from her sleep.

2009-12-19 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda wakes up shaking

2009-12-19 [Wolf56]: kron licks Keeda's face gently to get her attention so that he can ask her a question.

2009-12-19 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda looked at Kron and stopped shaking

2009-12-19 [Wolf56]: Kron looked at keeda as she stopped shaking and said ~ Are you alright Keeda? You were shaking and crying in your sleep. ~

2009-12-19 [Fallen Lil Girl]: ~Um yeah I'm fine~

2009-12-19 [Wolf56]: kron looks atKeeda and says ~ Keeda what's really going on. i can tell that your upset about something. What is it? Please tell me. ~

2009-12-19 [Fallen Lil Girl]: ~It's nothing Kron really~

2009-12-19 [Wolf56]: Kropn looks at keeda more forcefully and says ~ Please Keeda tell me what it is? I know that something is wrong. ~

2009-12-19 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda looked at the ground ~It's nothing~

2009-12-19 [Wolf56]: Kron puts his muzzle under Keeda's and lifts her chin up and looks her in the eye's and says ~ Keeda tell me please. ~

2009-12-19 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda looks away~It's just things I'd rather forget ok?~

2009-12-19 [Wolf56]: Kron makes Keeda look at him and says ~ Keeda I won't leave you alone until you tell me. now please tell me whats wrong. ~

2009-12-19 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda stands up ~I'd rather not talk about it~ Keeda walks out of the den

2009-12-19 [Wolf56]: Kron gets up and follows after Keeda and says ~ Please Keeda just this once please tell me about it this time. i won't ask you to does this again. ~

2009-12-19 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda stops walking ~when ever I sleep I always see my past, my dead mother dead farther dead mate~ Keeda sprints out of the den

2009-12-19 [Wolf56]: Kron stands there not following Keeda this time knowing that she needs some time to herself. Kron then looks at the pack and says ~ No one to follow after Keeda for the time being she needs her time. We'll wait for her to come back. ~

2009-12-19 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda runs up the mountain and sits at he place she was with Kron and crys

2009-12-19 [Wolf56]: Kron sits down in front of the den patiently waiting for her to return back the pack.

2009-12-19 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda stayed up inthe mountains until dawn shaking

2009-12-20 [Wolf56]: Kron waited and watched as the sky grow darker by the minute. And said to the pack ~ I'm going to go find Keeda. All of you stay here while i find her. ~

2009-12-20 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda didnt move

2009-12-20 [Wolf56]: Kron ran off to find Keeda's sent and found it going into the mountains toward his favorite spot.

2009-12-20 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda picked up on Krons thoughts on finding her so she ran down the other side of the mountain

2009-12-20 [Wolf56]: Kron heard Keeda's paw steps coming across the ground away from him so he chased after Keeda with all of his strengh and speed quickly catching up with her. But Kron staied back away's to try and give her some room but close so that he could see her.

2009-12-20 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda runs more

2009-12-20 [Wolf56]: Kron keeps up with Keeda easily but doesn't push his luck with getting to close.

2009-12-20 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda turns around to Kron ~What???~

2009-12-20 [Wolf56]: Kron stopped to talk to Keeda and said ~ You didn't come back after so long and I got worried that you may have ran off. So I came looking for you was all. ~

2009-12-20 [Fallen Lil Girl]: ~I can look after myself~

2009-12-21 [Wolf56]: Kron looked at the ground and said ~ I know you can but I worry about you anyway. ~

2009-12-21 [Fallen Lil Girl]: ~Well you shouldnt~

2009-12-21 [Wolf56]: Kron looks up from the ground and says ~ Well I can't stop worring about you Keeda. It's in my nature to worry about you. ~

2009-12-21 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda walks up to Kron ~Dont say that~

2009-12-21 [Wolf56]: Kron at Keeda and says ~ And why should I not worry about the one that matters most to me. ~

2009-12-21 [Fallen Lil Girl]: ~Because I dont want to worry you~

2009-12-21 [Wolf56]: Kron looks Keeda in the eyes and says ~ Keeda its in my nature to worry about the one I care for the most. I can't control that any more then I can control the moon from going away during the day. ~

2009-12-21 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda sighs

2009-12-21 [Wolf56]: Kron looks up at the sky and says ~ I think that we should get back to the pack soon. It's starting to get dark out now. ~

2009-12-21 [Fallen Lil Girl]: ~You go ahead~

2009-12-21 [Wolf56]: Kron looks back at Keeda and says ~ I'm not going back without you Keeda. ~

2009-12-21 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda starts to walk to the den

2009-12-22 [Wolf56]: Kron follows beside keeda slowly and said ~ I wish that you would try to make the most of what you are given in the pack Keeda. You seem to try and not be part of it when you are. Why is that? ~

2009-12-22 [Fallen Lil Girl]: Keeda didnt say a word

2009-12-22 [Wolf56]: Kron looks at Keeda intently and said softly ~ Are you going to tell me or must I wait for an answer at another time? ~

2009-12-22 [Fallen Lil Girl]: ~You wouldn't understand~

2009-12-22 [Wolf56]: Kron looked at Keeda and said ~ I think I can understand what it's about Keeda. You have to remember where I came from to get where I am now. So I think that I can understand what it's about. ~

2009-12-22 [Fallen Lil Girl]: ~I don't belong here~

2009-12-22 [Wolf56]: Kron looks at Keeda sharply and steps in her way quicklyand says ~ Of course you belong here Keeda you have so much that you are given yet you don't take it when you should. You must understand that there are other's like you in this world that think they don't deserve to live when they do. You must understand that Keeda if not for the pack at least for me. ~

2009-12-22 [Fallen Lil Girl]: ~How can I understand somthing that isnt real?~

2009-12-22 [Wolf56]: Kron looks around at the land that is his and keeda's and says ~ You should understand that you are more then what you think you are Keeda. You have so much to live for here on these lands. Theses lands are both of our's yet you act like you aren't here at all anymore. ~

2009-12-22 [Fallen Lil Girl]: ~Because They arnt mine they have nothing to do with me~

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